One month ago today was the first day Paul had symptoms of Covid. Jordan’s came three days later. Here’s our journey. We followed it very closely since it began in Wuhan. As it spread, we knew it would reach France (France is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world – in particular …
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We’ve been in Prague since Sunday for two conferences. Summit ended last night. It brought together all our fellow team leaders from across Europe (Spain to Russia). It was a time to get encouraged, and to work on our leadership craft. Today we started the second conference – Connect. This conference is open to all staff, …
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If Minneapolis were Paris (Spiritually Speaking)
February 22nd, 2014 | Posted by in General - (1 Comments)Over the last week we’ve been preparing some materials to help us share about our upcoming move to Paris to start a church with Christian Associates. A key part of any sharing about your ministry is to communicate the need that you will play a part in filling. After brain storming a bit we thought …
Read more Paris and New York share a lot of similarities as Mega-Cities in the world. They are both very dense, drive culture, and have their own quirks/nuances. This video points out some of the differences in a fun way. For those of you who’ve supported us so far these illustrations might look a bit familiar. We …
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Several years ago Paul and I spent time praying and discerning what the key components we would need in place before we could plant our church in Paris. We arrived at a short list of three. Today I am proud to announce that the first of the three has been checked off our list! …
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This originally appeared on The natural question one is asked as they graduate from Seminary is: What is next for you/Where is God calling you? With only 82 days between me and my Masters of Divinity this question is looming in the bushes (or shrubbery if you will). For my wife and I we will be bi-vocational pastors. Choosing …
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There have been many prevailing winds and forces in our life that have brought us to this point. A point where we have begun the process of turning our sights and resting our passions on getting to Paris.